- Great Hall
- Slytherin Common Room
- Gryffindor Common Room
- Hufflepuff Common Room
- Ravenclaw Common Room
- Prefects Bath
- Regular Bath
- Room of Requirement
- The Grounds
- Forbidden Forest
- Potions Class
- Transfiguration Class
- History of Magic Class
- Care of Magical Creatures Class
- Defense Against the Dark Arts Class
- Charms Class
- Corridors
- Astronomy Tower
- Owlery
- Student Courtyard
- Library
- Kitchens
- Headmaster's Office
Outside Hogwarts
- Hogsmeade (specify shop)
- The Three Broomsticks
- Zonko's Joke Shop
- Hogsmeade Station
- The Hog's Head
- Dervish and Banges
- Gladrags Wizardwear
- Scrivenshafts Quill Shop
- Madam Puddifoot's
- Honeydukes Sweetshop
- Post Office
- Diagon Alley (specify shop)
- The Daily Prophet Office
- Eeylops Owl Emporium
- Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
- Flourish & Blotts
- Gringotts Wizarding Bank
- The Leaky Cauldron
- Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
- Magical Menagerie
- Ollivanders
- Potage's Cauldron Shop
- Quality Quidditch Supplies
- Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
- Telescope Shop
- Twilfitts and Tatting's
- Knockturn Alley (specify shop)
- Borgin Burkes
- Residences
- Shrieking Shack
- Hagrid's Hut
- Quidditch Pitch
- The Black Lake